What’s this all about?
I'm Xhenet Aliu. (It’s pronounced Jeanette Alley-ooh.) Author of two novels and a story collection. Not a brand. Self-promotion saboteur. Digital hermit but not quite as misanthropic IRL. This newsletter is an attempt to pursue virtual connections with interesting humans from whom I'd otherwise remain digitally estranged because of a pathological aversion to social media, and to pontificate in a way nobody asked for on the memes, trends, and nefarious ad campaigns I encounter when I fall down the wrong series of tubes.
Why subscribe?
Because you’ve done such a good job unsubscribing from the mailing lists you signed up for to get 15% off your first orders that your inbox now feels cavernous and lonely.
Stay up-to-date
My dogs, at this point, are only moderately excited to see me when I get home. I don’t expect your enthusiasm about newsletter updates to exceed that. But I promise I won’t spam you, because I lack the ambition to post frequently.
Join the crew
The spirit of this newsletter is genuine connection through deeper, more sustained engagement than the bytes and snippets of social media allow. Or maybe it’s just an excuse to be carelessly wordy and to not have to look at pictures of myself. In any case, the point isn’t chasing the dopamine high of a heart icon mindlessly clicked upon, so while thoughtful comments are welcome and communion encouraged, obligatory niceties aren’t required. And mean comments from people I think suck don’t phase me, as my bullies in high school eventually realized.
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